Opteon™ SF79

Opteon™ SF79 Opteon Series  Specialty Fluid  Chemours

A safe and effective nPB replacement for critical cleaning applications

Transition to the Next-Generation Cleaning Solvent

Opteon™ SF79 is a high solvency cleaning agent developed in response to worldwide market demand for safe, nonflammable and low environmental impact products for cleaning applications. Typical applications for this product include degreasing, precision cleaning, defluxing, silicone removal, and general solvent cleaning.

  • Designed to clean a wide range of soils
  • Fast, residue-free drying; offers viscosity to clean oil and grease from small parts, leaving no residue
  • Compatible with a broad range of metals, plastics, and elastomers
  • Chemically and thermally stable
  • Zero ODP and low GWP (< 15 GWP)
  • Recyclable and reusable
  • Low surface tensions
  • Nonflammable
  • Allows for the continued use of existing equipment (no or minimal equipment upgrade necessary)
  • Easy to handle, easy to store
  • Available in multiple package sizes

Physical Properties

Property @ 25°C (77°F)
Boiling Point 47°C
Liquid Density 1.279 g/cm3
Liquid Kinematic Viscosity 0.03251 cm2/s
Liquid Specific Heat 1.092 kJ/kg-K
Liquid Thermal Conductivity 127 mW/m-K
Vapor Pressure 44.1 kPa
Heat of Vaporization 226 kJ/kg
Flash Point, CC, ASTM D56 0
Flash Point, OC, ASTM D1310 0
Vapor Flammability, ASTM E681 7.25-15.25 vol%
KB Value, ASTM D1133 100


Opteon™ SF79 represents a safe alternative to chlorinated solvents such as HCFC-225, 141b, TCE and nPB, which are currently being phased out due to health and environmental risks.

The safe exposure limit for nPB has been measured at 5-10 ppm – industry authorities even recommend further reducing to 0.1 ppm – whereas Opteon™ Sion has a safe exposure limit of 201 ppm, which is comparable to everyday rubbing alcohol.


The cleaning power of Opteon™ SF79 has been measured up to a 100 KB value, which is a cleaning power standard. Opteon™ SF79 can match nPB and other common formulations ounce for ounce, providing all their solvency benefits, while offering a superior toxicity profile.


While Opteon™ SF79 is a safe, effective, and environmentally friendly nPB replacement, nPB requires acid acceptance testing, stabilizer maintenance, and solvent air monitoring for safe and effective use. These additional formulations and processes increase your overall cost of using nPB – making Opteon™ SF79 an even better, safer value.
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