Opteon™ XL41 (R-454B) Refrigerant

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Opteon™ XL41 (R-454B) Refrigerant Opteon Series  Refrigerant Chemours

Opteon™ XL41 (R-454B) Refrigerant

A High-Performing, Environmentally Sustainable R-410A Refrigerant Replacement for AC and Chillers

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry needs a refrigerant solution that offers maximum performance with minimal environmental impact. The Opteon™ portfolio includes Opteon™ XL41 (R-454B) refrigerant—a non-ozone depleting (ODP), hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) based replacement with low global warming potential (GWP)—as a replacement for R-410A.

Opteon™ XL41 provides an easy, cost-effective refrigerant for use in new equipment, including:

  • Residential, light commercial, and commercial positive displacement
  • Direct expansion (DX) chillers and air conditioning (AC)
  • Window units and portable AC
  • Heat pumps and chillers
  • Mini-split, multi-splits, and ducted-split units
  • Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTACs)

Opteon™ XL41 closely matches the performance of R-410A and in some cases, provides superior capacity and efficiency. Additionally, Opteon™ XL41 has a GWP of 466 (a 78% reduction vs. R-410A).


As a very close match to R-410A—with improved capacity and efficiency—Opteon™ XL41 facilitates easy conversion with minimal changes from an R-410A design. Opteon™ XL41 allows much higher charge sizes than other flammable refrigerants. Classified as mildly flammable (A2L), it's safe for use when applicable codes and standards are followed. Other benefits of using Opteon™ XL41 include:

 • Excellent performance in normal and high ambient conditions

 • A low temperature glide with easy top off after leaks

 • Miscibility with polyolester (POE) lubricants 

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